Practicing Frisbee over the weekend- Activity

After playing Ultimate Frisbee for almost 3 years and participating in various tournaments I still didn’t feel like I could excel in the sport just by playing what I played in school. Keeping this in mind, I took part in the weekend sessions that took place near my house and were conducted by a coach I knew. The classes were for about 2 hours each day and we practiced skills that are integral to the game such as running, throwing, catching and cutting. Practicing every weekend helped me gain confidence in my ability, made me more refined as a player and overall was really enjoyable. 

Learning Outcomes

LO 2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

Staying consistent and constantly self-motivated to improve my skills was quite difficult in the beginning. Being consistent required me to be discipled and have personal integrity to not miss any sessions and attend each one of them with sheer dedication. To do this, I made sure I gave myself a pep talk whenever I needed to, I asked my mom to keep me in check incase I lose my motivation and am about to quit and I also tried to make a reward system for myself as an incentive to complete all sessions. The reward system system was as simple as getting a treat after the session or if I complete all sessions on one weekend I could take myself out for dinner on the weekend after. The challenge was to continue to stay committed but I was able to overcome it by being self disciplined. This helped me greatly to improve my overall skills required in frisbee additionally helped me become a more self-controlled person who does not procrastinate and is consistent in what she does. Not only in frisbee but this helped me in my daily school tasks as well by not making me procrastinating till the very end instead completing the assignment when it was given.  

LO 4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

I stayed committed to the game throughout the CAS experience. I made sure I didn’t miss any sessions and even when I felt like giving up because it was too tiring and I was missing other things to do on the weekend, I made sure I reminded myself of why I chose to do this experience and why it’s important that I improve my skills in frisbee. Doing so helped me gain perspective and prioritize self-improvement over other unimportant things like hanging out with friends or wasting my weekends on my phone and social media. The commitment towards frisbee required me to dedicate most of my time to it on the weekends and so I had to cancel everything else that was taking place at the same time and stick to my routine for 4 months if I wanted major changes in my skill and performance as a player. 

Final takeaways:

The learner profile I developed from this experience was: 

Balanced: As with other things going on with my life, I made sure I was physically active by playing frisbee which helped manage my well-being as a student who also had academic and other social obligations to meet. 

Reflective: After each session I had to reflect over my improvement in performance and overall skills. Doing so helped me realize what I need to work upon more and what I have become better at. 

Overall the experience forced me towards the path of self-improvement and becoming more disciplined in nature. It also made me more dignified and developed some very important core values like commitment and staying on task. 

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