Cleaning Public Places with Rotary Club (Surat West) (Service)

Look at our surroundings. It’s all clean and well maintained, so then why not keep our locality well maintained and clean in the end. It’s where we live. On behalf of the Rotary Club, we planned to clean public places in and near our locality for three weeks. Our goal was to clean up the pathways, and public places we go to as most of them are not maintained well.

LO 3 – Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

Planning this CAS experience took some time. We had to come up with a time suitable for all of us to take care of our locality. The initiation of this process was a bit tricky as we needed to find and go to different public places to clean the area. We went ahead by fixing a time suitable for all and went to public places most of us visit many times. It’s better to know how to plan and initiate activities as it will be a smoother transition/experience. 

LO 4 – Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

Till the end of the process, we were all committed to the process. We took out time, put in efforts, and in the end, cleaned up the place for the better. It wasn’t easy to commit but knowing that we were doing something for the betterment of our locality, that reason pushed us to give in efforts and commit throughout the process.

LO 5 – Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

Working as a team throughout this experience was an easy task as all of the associates know each other, and it was easier to communicate and plan on the process. Being able to collaborate well helped me in communicating better and working as a team.

LO 6 – Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

The issue that is engaged in the process is cleanliness. We all like places that are clean and hygienic, but we tend to litter anywhere and everywhere. Most of the public spots are filled with litter. This is where we took a step to clean our surroundings. We went to different locations to clean so that we have a space that is clean and hygienic. Knowing this process is something that we are doing not only for our good but the society’s good and the environment, it made us feel proud that we took such a step on behalf of the Rotary Club. 

LO 7 – Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

Environment ethics plays a role in this process. Our actions of littering anywhere we go is harming the environment. Whether it be a plant, animal, or insect. It is not ethical to litter in public places. We should choose to litter in a dustbin nearby. Knowing we keep our surroundings at home clean, it should also be the same when you go anywhere in the world. 

The learner profile characteristics I developed in this process is Caring skills. On behalf of the Rotary Club, we can conclude that this experience has been a success as we were able to initiate and work according to the plan. This experience has taught me the importance of cleanliness. The only thing I would change if I was planning the activity again would be to spread awareness and gather as many volunteers as I can so that it’s easier and efficient to clean a spot.


Few photos and videos of me and my friends cleaning public place on behalf of Rotary Club (Surat West):

Consent Form:

Supervisor Form:

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