CAS Experience 3 : Growing plants

I chose growing plants as my experience because I love nature and I care for it. Planting trees is very important because it not only gives oxygen and fresh air but also reduces pollution level. It also protects soil erosion and gives natural habitat to animals. Growing plants helps us in reducing climate change which nowadays is a global issue, the world is facing great challenges to curb global warming. Planting trees will be beneficial to fight with this issue. Also growing plants can help in purifying the air as it absorbs and reduces carbon dioxide level from air . Also I took care of my plants and watered them timely. I take care of my plants and treat them as my friends and I enjoyed this activity very much.

Learning Outcome 3 : Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

I was keeping a track of the plants and when to water which plant and I had fixed alarms which would remind me of giving water to the plants. I am an organized person as I keep myself organized by doing things on time with complete attention and try to complete the task with full commitment. Planning was difficult because earlier I was thinking if I would be able to do this or not. Also questions like these came to my mind:how long will it take and I will face the challenges to complete this task. Initially I did not know how to grow a plant in the right manner however gradually I learnt to do this. To increase my knowledge of this field I took guidance from my parents and researched about growing plants. By doing this experience I came to know planning will become easier in future if I commit myself towards achieving my goal. It is important to know how to plan and initiate activities to complete the task successfully and it will also help us in future to plan things that can make the task easy. 

Learning Outcome 4 : Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

Growing plants requires commitment and patience as plants take time to grow and if we forget to water the plants or if we don’t give them proper sunlight they could die.But I never forgot to give them water. It takes a lot of time for a plant to grow and so I felt like leaving all of it but I never gave up. Committing things is easy but fulfilling needs hard work. Commitment and perseverance is very important in our life for achieving goals, we will not be able to achieve our target if commitment and perseverance is not there.

Learning Outcome 6 : Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

Our environment , our nature are polluted a lot and growing some plants will not clear the pollution but it’s a beginning. Also a small step for our environment is very significant. Also we have stopped using chemicalized vegetables instead using the fresh vegetables. There is a lot of pollution so we need to grow plants globally so that pollution level can be decreased. Now a days global warming is increasing and there are many challenges which are being faced by the globally under which the temperature of earth is increasing and because of that glaciers are melting, ocean levels are rising and to control and maintain the level of temperature of earth so we need to take a small step of growing plants by doing this we can save our planet.

Learning Outcome 7 : Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

Initially knowledge regarding growing plants in a right way was involved as I did not know how to grow a plant but I researched from the internet and took the help of my parents on the subject and after getting a better understanding on the issue I initiated and planned the things accordingly. This ethical issue affected me directly as earlier I was not having the proper knowledge about growing plants. Earlier I thought that to sow a plant in the soil and water it, is to grow a plant. I felt confused whether I will be able to complete this activity or not. My opinion has changed completely after performing this experience in a successful manner which gave me a high level of confidence that any work or activity may be performed well if planning is done and knowledge is taken before doing this experience. It was important to consider my ethics of choice as that would affect my actions directly. It was important to use proper resources to get a successful outcome.

Overall, growing plants have helped me gain knowledge as well as increase my skill set.  This has also helped me stay connected to nature in a way.

Evidence :

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