Learning and practicing Frisbee

Frisbee is one of my favourite sports, and the position I play is called the ‘Handler’.Sports is the best stress-buster I know and frisbee is a sport that requires a lot of athleticism and skills. This program has helped me enhance my skills immensely and has enabled me to keep looking for new angles. I have watched a lot of professional players play during the tournaments and have tried to replicate the skills they perform during the matches. In this particular activity, I used to play for a couple of hours on weekends. I used to play frisbee in school, but to improve a certain skill set, I used to practice a few throws at home and played school level tournaments to test myself as well. I frequently attended practices to apply those throws in the match and build chemistry with other players with respect to those throws.

LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

 I’ve been playing frisbee for a very long time and competitive frisbee for the past 4 years. But to perform better, I needed to identify my strengths and weaknesses. After identifying my areas of improvement, I started to focus  on the places where improvement was required, I felt a lot more clear on the skill set that required the most development. One weakness that I had was restricting my pivot foot which made it very easy for the defender to hand-block, on the contrary, when I took a long pivot to give myself room to throw the disc, I used to frequently travel (which is a foul in the game). To improve,  I became vigilant about the positioning of my foot, and the speed at which I did the pivot in order to give myself room, dodge the defender and not travel at the same time.

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

Improving my performance was the challenging aspect of this experience. A good player is determined by the consistency of his/her performance, and being consistently good requires a lot of training and discipline. I haven’t done anything like this before, this was a completely new experience for me. Being a handler, I need to have the ability to throw the disc from any position and through as many defenders as possible, to do this I primarily focused on my weaknesses and gave more time into rectifying them. On the other hand I also practiced the skills that I was good at such as my inside-out throws and break side throws. Practice was the key for me to overcome all my weaknesses and errors. I feel great about undertaking this challenge as this is a very nice opportunity for me to evolve as a handler and as a player. Moreover, this experience has enabled me to view more angles to my skills which others might not have experienced. It is very important to keep taking new challenges to upgrade ourselves and learn new skills, taking new challenges help us unleash our potential and expose us to new opportunities which might help us a lot in future. 

LO4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

Performance development is a long term process requiring immense passion, patience, love for the activity, determination towards improving one’s skills and enhancing performance. Perseverance and commitment was necessary throughout the experience and it will still be required to maintain that level of performance. Dedication and the urge to become better and contribute to the team’s victory is the commitment required in this experience, the project was successful only because I stuck to the commitment and practiced as if I were in a game situation. It is not very easy for me to commit to things but with regards to this activity, it was relatively easy for me to commit to it, this is because of the love and passion I have to play frisbee and to perform for my team and win championships for the team ,on the national level where one error could lose us the game, it was very necessary for me to commit to the plan. Persistence and commitment are extremely important in experiences where we are developing our performance, commitment and perseverance act as catalysts for the development program and help us achieve the goal more effectively. 
Final take away: The learner profile that I developed during the course of this experience was reflective and balanced, I used to play frisbee to maintain my physical wellbeing and playing frisbee during this experience has helped my body a lot to remain fit and healthy, as it was a performance developing experience, I used to reflect on my performance and analyse my areas of improvement and my strong points. The highlight of this experience was when I was able to execute the throws with accuracy and power . This experience was a success and it brought a sense of accomplishment to me. I felt very confident about my skills after the experience and  A learning outcome would be that breaking down complex situations into smaller segments helps us pay attention to each segment more effectively. If I did a similar plan, one thing I would do differently is that I would have a few sessions with a professional to get more accurate guidance.


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