CAS Reflection – Psychology Club

The psychology club was a CAS initiative within which lovers of psychology came together to get new knowledge and perspectives! We discussed psychology, parts of psychology, why people think and behave the way they do, perform social experiments, etc. I was also a part of the events hosted to spread awareness, and created a social media account for the same (for the service component). I have always loved discussing debatable topics and learning new things so this was a very fun experience for me; a few topics our discussions covered were: dreams and their interpretations, reading body language, why do we lie, etc.

The learning outcomes I achieved were: LO5, LO6, LO7
(After the experience, I realized I also achieved LO7, and did not achieve LO1)
LO5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively
LO6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance
LO7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

The CAS strands catered were: C (creativity) and S (service)

LO5: I worked collaboratively with the members of the psychology club, namely those who were working along with me in the service component. We had to work together to decide which posts would be researched upon and published by whom and what was the date by which they could gather and publish the information through posts on instagram. Through working collaboratively we found how efficiently we could publish the work. I also worked together with my friends for a mental health awareness day event (I worked on the topic of anger management). Through the research and working collaboratively I gained new knowledge and new opinions!

LO6: There are various mental health related global issues that we have discussed within the club throughout our sessions. Issues such as depression, anxiety, lies (where they come from), etc. I certainly learned a whole lot more than I could’ve on my own. It was a new experience (all the debates and discussions) and there were various people talking on a topic we all know about but didn’t discuss about much. This broadened my arc of vision and gave me more knowledge… If someday someone needs my help regarding this, I won’t be clueless, at the very least.

LO7: Considering ethics as a learning outcome, I have various pictures of our sessions and interactions but I chose to pixelate the people in them (their images and names). I understand that people aren’t always comfortable with having their faces or names shown to others and so while making this decision, I considered its ethics and effects. However, this issue doesn’t affect me directly.


  • Learner profiles: Open-minded – throughout our club sessions, it was imperative I stayed open-minded. Without open-mindedness, it’s impossible to gain new knowledge. Communicator: I made sure to put forward my opinions and points.
  • This CAS experience is connected to my subject: Psychology. Psychology also focuses on mental health just as this club did.
  • Such learning will help me help others in my community if they ever need it. I will my open-minded towards their problems and will be able to provide them with solutions (if I am able, of course)

The images below are for C (creativity):

The images below are for S (service):

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