Taking a Coding Class CAS Activity (5)

Introduction – 

I was good in computer sciences and wanted to explore the field more for my career options, so I opted for a Python coding course on MyCaptain, I enrolled into the course and went onto learn a lot about python codes and also coded some games like Rock Paper Scissors, and Guess the Number!


I knew I was good with logic and codes, so it was easy for me to keep up with the content in the classes. I did not know the IT field, so I hoped that I could know more about the subject to gain a deeper insight into the IT service industry. I learned new codes every week with the new classes and got assignments to complete, if I did enough assignments, I will get the certification to prove that I attended and paid attention in class.


Coding was fun, however, I found out that reviewing codes was difficult, and I was very inaccurate in predicting the outputs based on the code. I have coded other languages before, but never reviewed any code. I overcame this challenge by practicing, the assignments were helpful because the videos were easy to understand, slow-paced, and had many examples where I could pause the video and predict what the code would output, it became easier to recognize the outputs with practice. Now that I can review simple codes and predict the outputs correctly, it helps me code with more ease, and decrease my doubts in between coding.


As this course was spread out over a month and we were notified with Whatsapp, it was really difficult to keep up with the class times. It didn’t help that the classes were usually kept when I’m having dinner. But I changed my food timings to be in sync with the class time and didn’t miss any classes.


I became more principled after the classes because I became more mindful of the time and learned to manage it effectively and be flexible with all my classes and extracurriculars. This experience will also help me in my CS, as I missed out on some coding languages in the past 2 years.

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