CAS Project – social media club

For my CAS project i had organised and developed a social media club. At first it was confusing where to start but after planning with my teammates the idea was clearly laid out. It had last for an entire working month starting at Monday and ending at Friday.


The biggest challenge that I overcame was the planning of the various works assigned. It was hard to plan each work such that it accumulates on the previous activity and that there is a certain learning outcome from most of the code that I wrote.

One strength of mine that I gained and had at the beginning was that I was very good at planning everything about the topic at hand, and that the feedback from the members reflected the same. One weakness of mine was that I did not time most of my work properly, and that most of my work were completely off the schedule. This meant that I had not followed my scheduled as properly as I had planned to follow from the beginning.


I had to take out a lot of time in order to fully plan and carry out each and every work on the CAS project and development of the website. It was time consuming and required a lot of diligence to piece together all of my work such that they are separate and tie in together at the end smoothly. This had shown that dozens of my codes were planned out in such a way that there is almost no confusion from other members, as well as little to none help taken from outside. This was a very difficult task to plan completely on my own, but since I wanted it to be a surprise, I did not share it with anyone.


It was challenging to go ahead and keep perseverance for every single day, and continue to post and conduct online activities. I planned to create a grand total of 30 activities, with one activity each day.

For the first week, I had planned online reading sessions where news was shared between the participants and we had a truthful discussion on the matters presented. I planned this part as an intro to the IT theme, so that the members would be familiar with the terminology and the concepts.

For the second week, I continued with the sessions and had planned Kahoot sessions on Google Meet. This acted as a final gateway to the knowledge and mastery of the theme, and this set the foundations for further activities that were going to be conducted in the club. The Kahoot Sessions also assessed their knowledge on the topics.

For the third week, I had planned group activities where one had to design IT systems. This was the first project that I had assigned to the members and it tested their applications of the knowledge that they had gained from the previous trials.

For the fourth week, I had planned a research presentation where one had to present various research tasks assigned to them. I considered this to be the biggest and final activity that we would be conducting, where we had to do a large research project on IT systems and present to everyone the knowledge that had gained.

For the last two days, I had planned a conclusion where we had to summarise our learning and takeaways from the club. I sent various forms to the members and collected their feedback.


While i had conducted all the planning on my own, I felt that the organisation and carrying out of the tasks that I had created were made entirely from my own point of view and did not consult anyone else in the process. This mean that the information that I had signalled to other people almost had a biased viewpoint, which I felt guilty about. I think that this was one of the major flaws in my CAS project.


The entire purpose of this CAS project was to spread awareness of IT problems of global significance that are prevalent around the world, such a the problem of rising digital misinformation and the problem of digital divide. A lot of the mentioned issues were covered in the articles that I had shared in the classroom.

Now that everyone in the club and I have become aware of the several issues pertaining the world, I feel that it was important to be aware of these global issues as it is simply unacceptable for anyone to simply remain ignorant of the issues.


I feel that the creation and propagation of this ITGS club has given way to great ethical effects, such as people eventually being made aware of the many issues surrounding this world. Since most of us are educated we are aware of issues such as digital misinformation, so therefore the issues did not affect us indirectly,

Final takeaways:

Throughout this activity I have developed the learner profiles Principled, Communicator and Reflective. I was principled because I had stuck to my planning till the very end and I had not skipped any portions of the plan. I stayed truthful. I was a communicator as I had tried to efficiently plan and communicate a broad range of ideas to a set of audience. I was reflective as I attempted to reflect upon my own work and evaluate the way in which i had conducted my plan.



Link to project:

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