CAS Project: Economics Club

Economics Club is a CAS project that I and my friend started due to our interest in Economics. I was was the Co-President along with one student. This club was started in August 2021. We conduct meetings twice a month. We discuss the global context of Economics on pre-decided topics. We also conduct debate sessions on the topics which we have discussed.

LO’s Catered: 2,3,4,5,6,7

LO2: Due to Covid-19 we couldn’t conduct sessions physically, so we had the challenge to conduct sessions using certain online tools. Due to this we couldn’t communicate and coordinate between the sessions. So we had to manage online.

The other challenge which I faced was about conducting the sessions, I was not confident before conducting these sessions, but as we continued doing these sessions it helped me overcome that. Also, we had to plan in advance for the session, so manage my school work and these sessions was a challenge that I had to overcome.

LO3: Economics Club was difficult to initiate and plan, as we had to conduct at least two sessions a month, and sometimes three. To manage my school deadlines and the economics club, I had to create a plan/timetable. with the help of this, it helped me organize my work better and it also helped me meet my deadlines. This was a very good method that I learned from this club. I will from now on use planning in my other tasks also.

LO4: In this club, commitment is important as we conducted two sessions in a month on different topics. Prepare well in advance about the topic was important in order to run the session smoothly. Perseverance was also important as when we had to conduct debate sessions we had to manage our time well and along with that all the school’s work was needed to be done on time. So my commitment to the Economics Club helped me achieve it.

LO5: As in this club I was not alone, we were working as a team. Working in a team helped us very much. We could divide the work between us which would lead to sessions running smoothly. Also with the help of a team, we could focus on other work apart from the Economics Club. While working in a team we could also get new ideas or topics which we can do in the Economics Club.

LO6: In the club meetings we would discuss the global context of Economics. In these was the topic of Covid-19 also, we discuss the impact to Covid-19 in several industries. As the sessions were moreover inclined towards the Global Context, we discussed topics of Global Significance more.

LO7: While conducting the sessions I had to make sure that I was not biased towards anyone who could hurt someone. While making the presentations for the meetings, we made sure we cite every website we have taken. As without the bibliography it would be unethical. This is good as we give credit to the work of others.

Learner Profiles Achieved: Risk Taker, Thinker, Responsible & Communicator.


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