Sickle Cell Anemia – Aarav Thakkar

Sickle Cell Anemia is a genetic disease. It is inherited from the parents to the offspring. It is an inherited form of anemia, in this disease a human body does not have enough healthy red blood cells to carry adequate oxygen.


The Symptoms:

  • Painful swelling of hands and feet
  • Fever
  • Abdominal swelling
  • Pale skin
  • Unexplained pain
  • Signs and symptoms of a stroke


Prevention and Cure:

  • Vaccination, a vaccine of sickle celled anemia is injected to infants starting from two-month-olds to try and prevent this disease.
  • Bone Marrow Transplant, a bone marrow transplant will include destroying the infected person’s stem cells by radiation or chemotherapy and injecting the stem cells of the donor into the bloodstream.
  • Blood Transfusion, red blood cells are removed from a supply of donated blood. Transfusion increases the number of red blood cells in the blood.


Systems Which are Affected:

  • Circulatory System, normal red blood cells live up to 120  days but Sickled Cells live only 10-20 days. This deprives the blood of oxygen.
  • Muscular System, your muscles do not get enough blood to perform normal activities this can result in paralysis.
  • Excretory System, this disease damages the kidney and there is a loss of water in urine.
  • Nervous System, the brain gets oxygen deprived and also you have a hazy vision
  • Digestive System, due to this disease you can also get gallstones and it can affect your liver also.
  • Skeletal System, this disease results in joint pain and bone damage


Impacts on people:

  • Children have stunted growth and delayed sexual maturity
  • For adults, some may not be able to have a child because of the risks this disease possesses



  • Ethical: In many cases, bone marrow transplant has done without the consent of the patient or the family. The allocation of resources is an ethical issue, too, rich people are given the organs first and poor people have to depend on their luck. The same case is during blood transfusion, blood banks hold the blood for a rich patient and do not give it to poor people.
  • Social: People still believe that blood transfusion is related to HIV or AIDS so most of them prefer not to take blood even if they are hospitalized. The body can reject the bone marrow and this can lead to the deaths of many people. Drugs are given to suppress the immune system and that can lead to many complications and diseases. On the flip side, these activities can help people overcome diseases
  • Economic: The bone marrow transplant is very costly and can cost a fortune, that is why many people stick to medicines and drugs instead of getting a bone marrow transplant.

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