Learning 3D modelling – Creativity

3D modelling is a digital tool to model products , architecture buildings , or made different types of 3d models , this tool is very useful for me as i am interested in studying interior design and architecture for my career , learning this tools was a good experience for me as it gave me direct exposure to learning about architecture and building modelling.

LO 3 – Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

As i didn’t knew anything about 3d modelling , i wanted to invest more time to understand and develop my skills , i planned out a schedule to organise time for myself , i like to keep a schedule so that all my tasks would be recognised before time , i found it hard to follow the schedule as new priorities came up , but i tried my best to be organised and give this task time , through youtube videos i gained knowledge about modelling and i started planning my own layout , many errors came along the process which i edited and i was able to gain new modelling skills with this project, but i also gained the skills to be organised with this experience i realised the importance to set realistic goals and that consistency is more important in planning rather than doing everything in one go, i tried to make my whole layout in one sitting and wasted time and couldn’t finish the other tasks , with this simple experience i also gained schedule planning skills.

LO 5 – Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

I find it easy to work with others when it comes to plan a big event of if a task has to be done by all , in this experience also i worked with my sister, she has basic knowledge of 3D modelling and i took her help to under the software , on my first try i was not successful in making a layout because i did it in one go and did not give it time , therefore i collaborated with my sister and made a schedule together to follow , this way both of us were motivated to do this task , this made the process easy and enjoyable to follow , it is easy to collab with my sister as she and i work well together.

Final Takeaway :
Through this activity i practised being a Inquirer, knowledgeable and a reflective learner , i learned and researched how to model 3d buildings digitally , i acquired 3d modelling skills and this experience also lead me to reflect about my schedule planning skills , i become knowledgeable about 3d modelling software.

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