CAS- Yoga (Creativity, Activity)

Yoga is extremely beneficial to one’s physical well-being. During the pandemic, I attended online sessions for yoga. Yoga was one of the activities that helped me preserve my physical well-being and keep a vital balance throughout the lockdown. Yoga is an elegant and creative pastime that is also a relaxing and soothing workout for me. Every day, I discovered a new strategy to maintain my physical well-being while also staying emotionally balanced.Getting into this habit made me become a more balanced person. The learning outcomes which this experience provided were:

LO1- Identify your own strengths and develop areas for personal growth. Every morning, I did an hour of yoga and then did meditation for a while. I felt very energised and active. I believe I was dedicated to this activity from the start, and it fueled my desire to learn more. However, practising few asanas were difficult for me because they were outside of my comfort zone, but my teacher encouraged me to do them on a regular basis, by doing so I created a routine that helped me improve in areas where I was lacking.

LO2- Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken. As previously stated, I was new with the skills required for yoga. As a result, I faced numerous challenges throughout the duration of this activity, including a lack of flexibility, balance, and concentration; however, as time passed and I became accustomed to it, I developed new skills and became dedicated to overcoming all of my obstacles.

LO 4-Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences. For two months, I dedicated myself to practising yoga for an hour every day. It became a part of my daily routine. I was determined to complete the task I had set for myself in order to make it a healthy habit. Despite the difficulties, thoughts of giving up, and thoughts of failing to complete the task, I demonstrated perseverance and the zeal to fulfil whatever commitments I made to myself during such drastic lifestyle changes.

LO6 -Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance. This activity aligns with the sustainable goal of “good health and well-being”. It made me realise how important good health and a balance of physical and spiritual well-being are on a global scale. I prepared myself to participate in this activity because I recognise how difficult it is to maintain good health and well-being in a world where everyone faces new challenges in different ways every day. Because of my awareness of the problem and its importance, I decided to try yoga.


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