

Cycling was always a fun activity for me which I enjoyed doing with my friends, we used to go cycling early morning and sometimes in the evenings and it was a good way to spend time and stay healthy but I was not able to do so for almost 2 years due to the lockdown and I had also got extremely unhealthy and that’s when I decided to make a change and try to get back and try cycling again, and while it seemed fun at first it was not an easy challenge to conquer as I had not participated in any physical sports for almost 2 years


The activity cycling was chosen in order to get fit again and lead a healthier lifestyle and while it was actually a great activity that was refreshing for me my stamina was very low at the particular stage and the goal was to achieve more stamina and to get more fit like the first time I tried cycling at the start of the activity I was not able to complete the goal and I had to take several brakes.


The major challenges were the heat and me being unfit due to the Covid-19 lockdown

Before covid I was able to ride long distances and thus I had set high goals but soon I realized I was unfit and was facing huge setbacks as I would feel very nauseated after long rides due to my low stamina but once I committed to the task slowly my stamina increased and I started enjoying the rides and soon I needed no breaks and would feel refreshed and better after the rides,

The second setback was the temperature it would get really hot and it would not be idle and had a huge impact and was the reason for demotivation but to avoid the extreme temperatures I set my timetable accordingly and went on rides either in the early mornings or evenings.

I feel taking up the challenge was very important as I feel more fit and healthy now and I think it was an important step toward my health and motivated me to work on myself more and stay health-conscious


The setback was the activity was very time consuming as it would take easily an hour to complete the ride and it was very hard to commit to it as I would feel lazy or procrastinate the plans but as I was feeling unhealthy myself and not happy I was able to commit to it as it was also refreshing and I sometimes also took friends to keep me company so that I stay focused.

and I have company.

And while it’s easy for me to commit to things that excite me, cycling was one of them and I was able to commit to it easily.

In the end, cycling felt rewarding as it showed improvement in my overall athletic performance. I had better stamina and was more energized and refreshed and I learned to be more balanced between physical activities and work/academics.

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