CAS: Fitness

During the COVID lockdown I decided to keep myself physically and mentally fit so I bought a new cycle to start cycling and then I even started walking and running daily.

I will be going go to walk and jog or do cycling with my family members and friends daily to stay fit during the pandemic lockdown.

Cycling and jogging made me keep more focus on my visions and goals. Cycling with friend increased social interaction and helped me complete milestones after milestones covering huge distances.

Running and jogging helped me stay in shape and not get fat during the lockdown. These activites increase social interaction in the lockdown and also helped to remain mentally fit.

Sometimes when none of my friend or family member would be there then I would go do cycling/jogging alone and have earphones for music to stay on track. I would even go to the club for playing basketball by doing cycling which would cover approx. 6 to 8 km after returning.

The CAS component covered in this experience was Activity as Cycling and jogging are activities done for physical fitness. The learning outcomes in this CAS experience were L2, L3 and L4.

Alignment to Sustainable Goals: Goal 3: Good Health and Well-Being

L2: I covered learning outcome 2 in my CAS experience in which I identified that I can do cycling for long time durations as I was very much into cycling so I started cycling for shorted durations at first and increased the time duration whenever I went to do cycling with friends.

L3: I organized myself in the CAS experience by tracking each and every one of my cycling durations on sports tracker, by doing this I kept a record of each and every one of the cycling sessions and how much distance I covered.

L4: I showed commitment in my CAS experiences by regularly doing the CAS cycling experiences whenever I had time, this showed the perseverance in my CAS experience, this even helped me building up my confidence after lockdown. The total cycling distance covered in around 3 last months of 2020 was 300 km.

Evidence from sports tracker:

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