Learning Guitar – CAS

When I was in Grade 4, I joined a guitar class and I continued the class till grade 6. The classes were very interesting as I liked to play guitar and so I used CAS as an opportunity to learn guitar again from the start and so I watched videos on youtube and learned things like chords, rhymes and small songs. One of my small songs was the national anthem of India.

LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas growth

  • Because I went to guitar class, it became easy for me to clear the basics easily like how to hold a guitar, holding a pic, hand movements, etc. But it took a good amount of time when started to learn chords and changing the chords smoothly. Learning chords didn;t take much time as I only needed to learn where to put my fingers and how to play the strings but then it took a way too much time when I started to practice changing chords as I was not able to change chords smoothly, because it has to be done fast and accurately which I was not able to do and it was one of my weakness but I praticed and through a lot of practice, I was not able to erase my weekness but I came close to erasing it.

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

  • As I mentioned above that my practices were going very smoothly till the time came to practice how to smoothly change chords. For me it was a tough as I was not able to do the movements fast and smoothly and so I practiced a lot but I was not able to do it properly. At a moment, I was very much disappointed but I didn’t stop practicing and in some days I was doing way better than before which for me was a win but I still practiced to be more good.

LO4: Show commitment to and perseverance

  • Many times it happened that I was not able to do tasks after trying many times which started to demotivate me but I stayed committed to it and did all the tasks. One task was when we play a string, and we have to keep our finger on the string and press it hard, it starts to pain. And because I was continuously trying to play the song properly, it started to hurt more but then also I continued to try. And also when I was practicing, there times, I got disappointed because of not able to doing it properly but I stayed committed to it and practiced till I was able to do it.

Overall, the experience was amazing as I once again started to play guitar. I also understood that some tasks will take many tries. And the main component of this experience was hard work as I got to know that some things you just can’t learn and be good at in a day, you need to do practice to be good at it. I also polished my time management skills which helped me in giving required time for studies and playing guitar.

Evidence – Guitar Recording

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