Drawing has always been a lifelong hobby of mine. I had totally forgotten my skills due to study stress, but the pandemic and lockdown greatly aided me. It inspired me to resume my sketching and drawing. It assisted me in growing, prospering, and learning a significant amount. With the support of Youtube and Pinterest, I was able to learn various media’s in addition to simple sketching.

LO1:-  Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth.

I’ve always been decent at visual arts, but I believe myself to be more artistic . However, after getting bored during lockdown and instead of sitting up late on my computer and phones, I wanted to resume my arts because it is something that allows for a wide variety of artistic expression. Regardless, I also had to conquer my lack of ability in the field of hand-on arts. As a result, I wanted to concentrate on realistic art, a subtopic in which the writer’s vision, rather than their visual art skills, is most frequently sought after. But I also needed to master some fundamental skills in order to express my proposals in a presentable manner.

LO2:-  Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills.

Focusing on my work was a struggle because artwork needs a lot of concentration, critical thought, and persistence. PATIENCE was the most difficult aspect for me. It was difficult to come up with a subject, but it was even more difficult to execute or understand it because I was new to the new media it and I had no previous knowledge of it. By putting my ideas on paper, I was able to improve my thinking skills for the art topic as well as my communication skills.

LO4:-  Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience.

Remaining engaged was a challenging challenge because, no matter how fascinating or stunning the work seems to be, conducting it was dull. It was difficult, but not impossible, to attend every hour before the paints dry and complete my workpiece by piece. I achieved this outcome by making a focused timetable and posting regularly on Instagram(art page).

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