World Future Business Leader examination was one of my career key.
Examination Date : 20th February 2021
I always have dreamed to be a big event manager of Surat, run a business institution for people 50 + who are being forced or being fired from jobs because of less efficiency or becoming more elder, even though meeting with all three criteria efficient skills, experience and capability. This dream require masters in Business Management. After learning the concepts of BM in Grade 11 and some from experiential learning, I always wanted to test them and find the areas of development.
The miracle happened our teachers told us about World Future Business Leaders examination that had four catgeroies Business Management, Marketing, Entrepreneurship and International Business. It was free of cost and we can participate in it. I opted in for it. And later on we were provided of a brochure with all the types of question that can be asked curriculum for exam.
Unfortunately in that week only my four other school test were scheduled. I could not prepare well for my exams and had to read just the brochure two day before and solved the questions. I could also not practice MCQs for the examination. Later on gave with my concept clarity and knowledge of Business management.
This was also part of my CAS experience as this helped me to progress in my time management skills and find out areas of development for my Business Management. I have scored more than average in examination but not excellent and have discovered that I need to practice more and have internships to gain more experience and concept clarity.
Learning Outcomes Achieved :
LO 1 : Identify your own strengths and develop areas for personal growth.
Examination has helped me to identify my areas of focus for career option and given me a new learning to manage my time more well. It also helped me to learn about what matters a lot as to instead of giving focus to my career related test I focused of on my school test more and could not give enough time to prepare for examination. It also helped me to analyse what new concepts I have to learn about in order to become well prepared for future dreams.
LO 2 : Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.
Challenges were not that enough but there was a major challenge that I lacked time management and ethical decision skills. Because of which I could not take the right decision in the right period and mismanagement my time for preparation of examinations. I also gave exam with less preparation due to bulking up of tests and mismanaged time.
LO 3 : Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience.
I had planned to solve worksheets with Business Management MCQs and read the brochure thoroughly with enough time span given to it. I also had planned to get questions checked through Business Management subject teachers or external sources to make sure that I have the right concepts clarity. But as the assessment bulked up whole schedule was disturbed and I could not complete preparations for it.
LO 4 : Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences.
Even though I had a option to back out as due to some time destructive issues I could not prepared well and thought that what if I score less what will others tell about me as I have faced bullying issues a lot before. But then trusted on myself and my learnings in Business session at school and decided to continue and give the exams at least to understand and find out my areas of focus and development on my current knowledge.
LO 6 : Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance.
This experience matter me a lot for my career dream. There is a major issue in our society ‘ Ageism ‘. Today ageism is very often as much as discrimination , every place you may find it but not notify to search more about it. Ageism is common , People not tentatively employee older people , people group as per age category and separates aged people from the conversations like a piece of pearl falling around from a necklace
Generally children at an age of 10 – 15, they choose their groups according to their interests. One of the common problems is that they do not share their daily crooks to their society.They feel few secrets not be revealed to any of the elder ones. This may decompose their societal assistance and this may create a huge difficulty for them to fight any conscious problems. It may also cause them huge depression and snatch the family meetings or time for family, Today it’s a huge problem for everyone as this brings out unsaved secure environment to all the children. Which also may snatch the opportunity for kids to get the required counseling at the correct moment.
Extensively ageism is also very problematic at the age of 40 – 60, because it develops an immortal fear on in the 40 – 60 aged community ́s society, that they would not be able to work until their last breath. They serve the community for wise decisions. But the employers are considering the ability through age instead of experience , which is not the right standard to choose your apprentice , as it is a false judgement , which makes their progress difficult. .
The reality is that they are more dedicative, punctual, honest, focused, attentive, detailed, Good listeners, Good analysers, efficient, confident, mature, good communicator and good working hours who only seeks for just a small interval in between for a refreshment . They even help the company to be focused with wise decisions for the company which would benefit a lot .
To overcome this issue I have a dream to open a Institution where only 50+ aged employers can work or the ones who have being fired just to less efficient and rest all criteria they have met or being aged. Without this examination I would not have realised the areas of focus in BM studies and would not achieve my dream.
LO 7 : Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions.
This affects me and others a lot. It helps each Business student to find out their areas of development to build a stronger career stand and concept clarity in BM. This also help universities and schools to understand our focus and dedication for the subject.
Scoreboard :
Later examination Certificate will be added once received from WFBL.