Growing Plants(Service,Activity)

I have always adored plants, flowers and greenery, but my house didn’t have much of those, therefore during the lockdown, alongside my mother, I started planting different plants and flowers on the Patio, and on our terrace, I had tried keeping plants in my room earlier, but they’d always die because there isn’t enough sunlight that falls in my room, but planting pots on these other places have made my house so much more greener, and made me more responsible in a sense.

LO 2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.
Even though I love plants, I’m not that good at taking care of them, and at the beginning of this entire experience I was quite unmotivated at time to go water these plants, however as I saw them growing, and made it a habit to water them, it became easier and felt more rewarding. There were times I wasn’t home so at that time it was my responsibility to ask someone else to water the plants, to make sure they were getting the care they needed.

LO 3:Demonstrate how to plan and initiate a CAS experience.
Initiating is always quite exciting, especially in this case, my terrace was probably the most unused part of my house, and had no plants whatsoever, this experience was more exciting to start as it wasn’t just about starting gardening, but also about absolutely making over my terrace. Though, I feel like I would have backed off eventually by the overwhelming amount of area that needed to be covered and the responsibility that comes with growing so many plants, if I wasn’t doing it with my mother, doing it together, was mentally more peaceful.

LO 4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences.
Plants are living things, and need constant care to grow properly, and slacking off by not making sure their soil is changed or they are watered on a regular basis is not an option. This experience demanded constant commitment and perseverance, which I put in and as reflected by the results.

LO 6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance.
This experience is in straight coherence with the SDG “Life on land” and even though I didn’t plant plants in a public place, making a change at my own home was a step. From having a bare minimum of 7-8 plants outside my house, my house now has a total of more than 90 plants. Life on land just like any other SDG, or social/global issue, might me widespread, but the actions you can take, will always start from your home.
Overall, this though tiring, was a very transformative experience for me, having plants around now gives me a sense of accomplishment and makes the environment a lot more positive. I definitely have become more attentive, considerate and responsible from this experience.


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