Band performances

The school asked selected students from grade 12 to perform for the farewell and independence day, both big occassions. Me and my other friends want to perform 2 songs at the farewell and we had the preparation time of 4 days.


First we analysed the songs and decided which ones were doable because we had such short time, we chose 2 songs according to our level of expertise and praticed for 4 days straight. We worked out mistakes and improvised to make the performance better


The short perperation period and the scheduling of the practises was very challenging as we had to study for external examinations such as SATs. This lead to a lot of arguements and debates. Then in the practice for independence day we practiced in school but having different free slots that some of us had to sacrifice class time for practice.


For the farewell we played ‘Sweater wheather’ and ‘Bad guy’. We practised these songsoutside of school, we practised for 2 hours on the weekend and 1 hour in the weekdays. For the independence day performance we decided on ‘Jai Ho’ as our song of choice so we practised in school in our free slots.


Te songs needed a lot of work, our co-ordination was also not very good as we messed up our timings a lot and had trouble trying to structure the songs but we worked out the rough patches and added some finishing touches to the final performances.


Playing together as a band is a very unique feeling. When you click with your band and harmonise the music you create can be extraordinary. Band members helped me gain extra perpectives and get more constructive critisism and helped my playing improve.

The learner profiles explored in this experience is communicators as I learned to put forward my points give input and recieve feedback from others during the sessions with my fellow band members.

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