Octane is a rendering software which is one of the most fast and accurate software used for simulation and rendering animations and models. It is used in professional studios and in the design industry a lot. So I thought it would be perfect for me to learn the basics of octane as it’s a high level software. So during mid september I downloaded octane and started watching online courses and guides for learning octane
L01 – Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth
My only strength while learning octane was my background knowledge about blender and 3d modeling from one of my previous CAS experience, as both of these softwares go hand in hand. Knowing this it was easier for me to focus my attention on the more technical aspects like lighting, camera angle, material used and much more.
L02 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills
in the process
Most of the things I learnt during this course and experiences were completely new and unique to me, every tool that I had learnt was something that I had never learnt about before. Such as how to light up the frame and the subject and how to make unique textures and properties. I needed critical-thinking skills and problem skills in order to complete this experience
L03 – Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience
For this experience I decided that I would neatly set up a 2 week plan where I would learn about this software daily for at least 1 hour or more. I had made notes of things I was gonna learn daily. I had made a proper plan to finish this experience. As this was a computer intensive software I could only learn this software at home on my PC rather than school so it was a bit hard follow through it
Id say that during this whole process I have developed learning attributes like knowledgeable and inquirer. Knowledgeable as I have gained plenty of knowledge about rendering and the techniques during this experience and inquirer as the more I learned the more I wanted to research and more questions I had which motivated me to learn more. Overall I think this experience was majorly a success however I’ve only spent 2 weeks learning this software and in future I would like to continue learning.