Experience 2 – Making Home Decorative Pieces (Creativity)

The inspiration behind me doing this experience was my declining creativity levels during the lockdown (due to COVID-19). I noticed that with the increased workload being an IBDP student there was a decrease in my engagement with creative arts, to not let it slip away completely I started to think of a few creative arts I could do, and then decided upon making home decorative pieces which would also adorn my room. I found 3 different DIY(do it yourself) ideas which I then created.

LO 1 – Creativity and creation is one of my strengths and I could see that it needed brushing up. That being my main driving force motivated me to search DIY ideas and create a few beautiful decor pieces to adorn my room. While I was searching for ideas, I came across many that I felt I wouldn’t be able to do and I shortlisted them out right that instant. This made me want to look back at and evaluate my initial v/s current capabilities in tangible art creation. Lack of practice and continuity robbed me of the ease I felt with creating art pieces. But the evaluation I did and this experience made me want to continue practicing my creative skills; so I think doing this activity even as a part of my CAS experience made me aware of my current state and hopefully my continued practice will benefit me through enhanced skills/capabilities.

LO 2 – The challenge for me was to find decor ideas which I could manage to do on my own, I came across many ideas which were very difficult to make or that the resources were not available to me. My mom is very good at art creations and I have previously helped her a lot many times in creating or decorating something; I learnt a lot of tricks from her on how to use certain tools or make certain elements of a piece/project. To overcome the challenges I faced while doing my CAS experience I seeked guidance from my mom at some points and that helped me a lot in completing the task. As I seeked help from my mom in making certain elements, I simultaneously learnt that skill too. Learning a few new techniques made me feel better about myself as I was previously upset over my deteriorating skills/abilities in arts.

I showed engagement with and development of various learner profiles: reflective, inquirer, knowledgeable. I feel overall doing the CAS experience gave an insight into my current knowledge, set of skills and flexibility in working tasks. I could reflect back to my original creativity and artsy levels and comparing it with my current one gave me a clearer picture of where exactly I stand and what all I need or want to work on. I was reminded that not only a subject such as mathematics requires practice but also skill based areas/subjects.


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