The Corridors: School Newspaper Club

Expressing myself through writing is something that I have been doing for a long time. As a columnist in the school newspaper, I usually write movie/TV/book reviews and opinion articles to share my views with the audience, and build my writing skills too. Also, collaborating with other writers on our articles and learning about their opinions and their writing style is always fun and gives me lots of inspiration.

Learning Outcomes:

LO1: Identify your own strengths and develop areas for personal growth

I have always enjoyed writing to a great extent. It is a great way for me to express my thoughts, opinions, and feelings. But with so many deadlines, submissions and a hectic schedule, I found it difficult to keep practicing writing as a hobby. Joining the school newspaper club allowed me to refresh and practice my writing skills, learn from other writers and develop my ideas. 

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

I usually prefer writing short stories and fiction. So writing articles and opinion pieces for a newspaper was a type of writing that I was not familiar with when I signed up for this project. But after writing a few pieces, I received feedback from my friends and teachers and worked upon it to develop my journalism skills. Not only did this help me develop my writing skills, but it also widened my horizons as I was introduced to a slightly newer style of writing. 

LO5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.

Prior to joining the school newspaper club, I had never written a piece collaboratively. I would always write independently and believed that it would be extremely difficult for more than one person to write one article, since there could be many opinion differences between the writers and it would impact the overall article. However, I wrote an opinion piece with one of my fellow writers and received very positive feedback from readers and teachers both. I also think that it is one of the best articles I have written till date. It was also fun to hear my partner’s opinions and I believe that putting multiple perspectives is what made the article great.


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