Daily Walking (Experience)

The pandemic definitely took a toll on my physical health going from doing weekly sports practices to directly being confined in the confines of my room. It becomes imperative in such times to look after the physical aspect of your well being along with your mental health.

LO 1: Identify their own strengths and develop areas for personal growth.

Once we were given the liberty to use the common grounds around my society, my mom used to go for daily walks for about half an hour each day after dinner and said it really helped her relax after a long day while also benefiting her physical health. That motivated me to join in on her daily practice. Along with having obvious health effects, walking with my mom in solitude for half an  hour each day was a great bonding experience and sometimes other people from the society joined in as well which was always fun. I lost touch with my physically active part of myself and this experience definitely regretted it enough to motivate me to work more on my body by adding bi weekly workouts, sometimes cycling, badminton, jogging,etc to my schedule.

This experience also helped me develop my social skills and had a positive impact on my mental and physical health. I identified the areas of my health and wellbeing which required my attention and it gave me the chance at personal growth. I knew where my strengths and weaknesses lay and I organized my daily activities in such a way that I included practices like family time and walking and socializing as a daily routine.

LO 4: Show commitment and perseverance in their CAS experience.

I started it as nothing serious, just a way to spend more time with my mother but it turned out to be really productive and that is why I decided to make it a daily practice and adhere to a target more religious which lead me to going for walks at least 5 days out of 7 each week and I begun keeping track of my activities using the GFit application on my phone. It helped me track my progress and performance. Once I set my mind on doing just that, it required  a lot of commitment from my end which is why I had to make a conscious effort to give my best to reaching the target of at least 5,000 steps per day once I set a steady rhythm in my ritual. I plan on gradually increasing that target as time passes. 

Walking as mundane as it seems does not get enough credit for the impact it has on one’s life and I learnt the hard way to respect its roles in my life which is why with my new found commitment and dedication I plan on continuing this practice in the future as well. 

The learner profile I demonstrated here was Balanced as I took into consideration all aspects of my well being to come up with an action plan to work on the flaws. As a side benefit, it also helped me develop my interpersonal and social skills, specifically communication. 

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