Painting and sketching(4)


This part of my CAS falls under learning a new activity and developing my skills, I have enjoyed painting for years although my skills weren’t up to the mark as I didn’t do it very often, as it’s said – practice makes perfect, and with the opportunity the CAS, it seemed to me as an excellent way to better my skills, learning something new and simultaneously having fun.

LO 1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

An external strength for this activity was that I was able to ask my sister for help as she also enjoys art and is regularly with it, anywhere that I felt stuck it was easy for me to approach her as we lived in the same house, helping the process go without hindrance.

LO 2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process and LO 4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences 

I faced numerous challenges during the learning process, sharpening skills that one hasn’t used in a while is hard, how untouched things rust similarly so do untouched skills. The lack of practice caused me to fail several times in achieving the desired outcome for my paintings. It took time and effort to draw a basic composition before starting to paint and then the painting itself took hours, several backaches and empty bottles of paint before it was complete. Sitting through hours of painting different layers before adding tints and shades to add dimension and value to the artwork required patience , perseverance and grit throughout the process, thus it played a crucial role in achieving a satisfactory outcome in my CAS project. 

LO 5: Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working 

learning the correct use of the art aspect known as ‘ tints and shades’  was an important skill to acquire and bush up for the painting I had chosen to make for this project, the use of tints and shade helps make a portrait realistic and demonstrates where the light is coming from.A tint is where an artist adds a colour to white to create a lighter version of the colour. An example of a tint is pink. Pink is a tint created by adding white to red. A shade is where an artist adds black to a colour to darken it down. The use of tint was to showcase the light reflection on the face and shade to showcase the shadows due to reflection. The benefit of this skill was to increase the impact of my Paintings on the audience, making it more realistic and aesthetically pleasing.

LO 7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

Understanding how personal and cultural expression plays a role in arts I made sure that anything I painted was unbiased and didn’t raise any conflicts, art is known as non verbal communication and a way of expression.

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