CAS Reflection – Online Summer School course in ‘Data Analytics’

In this array of opportunities, I choose to explore different fields that particularly interest me. It was difficult to decide which ones should I engage in and in which ones I shouldn’t. 

LO-1 – Based on my love for math subject I could relate a lot of things with this course in Data Analytics, which included basic descriptive statistics, normal distribution, types of sampling and their applications in excel, concept of confidence intervals including hypothesis testing and predictive analytics. Some of the part was interrelated with Math Analytics and Approaches, my HL subject in DP. 

LO-2 – This course included a lot of things which are really taught at the college level and are difficult to understand by a normal school student. Still, I tried to understand them by getting my doubts cleared and watching the recordings of the session, since I knew I had taken up a new challenge.

LO-4 – On the contrary, I developed my research skills and problem solving skills in the process. While solving questions, I tried to understand the different parameters and then applied my knowledge. Likewise, I did research too based on the assignments assigned by the professor. This enhanced my research skills. 

LO-7 – In addition, I was ethically bound to the tasks and responsibilities. I did the best I could do myself with the least help from outside. 

All in all, it was really a great experience and I learned so many things from the professor and this course. 

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