Experience – GARDENING 

For this activity I will be learning about different plants and how and how to actually plant them. Then I will go on to plant them in my building. And instead of buying new clay pots I will be recycling old plastic containers that weren’t meant to be used for plants or gardening.

LO1 – Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

When I started with this activity I had learned about the basics of gardening from the help of my parents and how I would need to learn to maintain the plants.

LO2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

One of the challenges that I had faced was to find a place in my building after they would start growing and would require larger space to grow to their actual size. During this activity I had to first of all learn the basics of gardening and what are the skills that would be required for me before starting this activity and continue to learn more about it.

LO6 – Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

One of the issues is wastage of plastic and instead of contributing to the cause and wasting plastic i will be recycling plastic containers to the best of my ability during this activity like i will start by planting the seeds directly into the ground. And when the plant will get bigger than the container itself and then planted in the ground.

Evidence Photos – 

Evidence Video –

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