I have been doing arts since I was a child , have learned some basics of arts throughout these years, but haven’t been consistent over the past few years, have given less time to explore and work on my skills due to several submissions and school work.
And CAS has given me an opportunity to work on arts and give more time to develop skills and make artworks and to fill out the gap that had been left for years. And so I created an instagram account on Arts and upload artworks, and artworks included not only painting and drawing but any kind of art, like painting on fabrics or even sculpture.My goal was to create artworks and upload them on the account for a month, and to explore different things that I have never tried or failed at.
L1.Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth
Doing this experience made me reflect on my strengths and weaknesses, and made me aware of them, strengths and weaknesses are only identified when you do things that are different than what you normally do, and when you explore different corners, adn identifying them does not only made you aware of them but also makes you stronger and more specialized in what you do, and in my case I have looked over many strengths and many weakness and have worked on them and they have made me grow even further, and has made a stronger bond between arts and me.
L2. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills
Throughout this experience I have faced some challenges which would only be because of this pandemic situation. This pandemic has restricted my observation and my exploration, I was not able to explore as many artforms as possible or as I had planned and have been limiting my observation , but on the positive side having this time made me improve upon my thinking skills, it helped me take more time on thinking, thinking deeply which lead to more different and unique artworks and this has also helped me take time on my artwork, detailing it and having the proper finishing and mainly have taught me patience.
And having this time, it has made me even more organised, it has helped me initiate this experience and give time & thought to it.
I have developed a lot of skills throughout this journey like fine motor skills, as I explored different areas of arts, and explored different art forms.
L4. Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience
I think that arts needs time and your commitment, to be able to identify the weakness and strength, and to focus the ideas or design.And commitment not only means to be consistent but to be committed to the work you are doing to believe in your ideas and thoughts.And this commitment that I gave to arts taught me patience which is the most important aspect of arts, and this patience has lead to the best of my work and has made me even more firm and patience have taught me that you never know how a artwork is gonna turn out until you wait, even the worst can turn into the best by just committing yourself to the artpiece.
LO7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions.
While making the artworks I made sure that, I give credits to the person or page that I referred and got inspired form while making the painting, so there is not copyright, so that the artist can preserve its original work. The artworks that I have posted are original work, the works that have been copied have been credited to the artist. Throughout learning about social media I have learned to credit my own work, I have learn to add my name at the bottom of every painting so that they are not being copyrighted.
Overall I think that this experience taught me a lot, commitment, patience, skills and this learning would be a lifelong learning which would help me sculpt my skills even more in the future.