Gyming – CAS Reflection

I started gyming 1 month ago and is a continuous process with the purpose of getting into shape. During the lockdown, I gained 10 kg due to no physical activity and a very unhealthy diet. The goal of going to gym was to compensate for the unfit body and unhealthy lifestyle. I went to the Gym everyday from Monday to Friday for 45 minutes . The intensity of it is increasing as the goal or motive is not only to get back into the previous state but to improve my physical and mental well being.  

LO1 – Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

The strengths and weaknesses were quite evident on the first day itself. The capability of my body to perform some activities determined my fitness. There were strengths in some exercises like the core ones while there were major weaknesses in exercises like the leg day itself. There were also strengths and weaknesses when solely focusing on fitness where the strength was to give it all or the hard work I put in during gyming, however the weakness was to give in to temptation during a healthy diet. It is important for me to be aware of the strengths and weaknesses I cater to as it will help me in knowing the situations where I have the upper hand or things I can use to my advantage. The weaknesses help me in knowing the areas I need to improve in and slowly progress towards. Working on my weaknesses can help me in developing my overall fitness which can contribute to many aspects of life I may not be involved in now but could be in the future. The weakness of giving in temptation could also be developed so that I could focus on long term achievement rather than instant gratification.

LO2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

There were various challenges faced during the process of gyming. Firstly, my body was not capable of performing any activity as it was still in the break. To break this immobility was a major challenge as I had to push myself through the way to acquire the desired results. The factor that helped me in pushing myself was the way I saw my fitness deteriorate in the lock down which was something I never wanted to go back to. Even though I haven’t fully achieved the result of 6 packs, I am proud of the progress I have made till now as it is not going to stop. The importance of taking these kinds of challenges is to know the degree to which you can perform and you’re willing to go. This also helps in developing new skills like through performing different exercises, i can now run more as well as use these exercises as an advantage in multiple sports and physical activities.

LO4 – Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

Gyming requires commitment and perseverance as it is not restricted to a daily duration of period but involves every thing you do in the 24 hour cycle from physical activity to diet to etc. perseverance was required so that i could slowly master the exercise and progress to another level of intensity after reaching a threshold. Commitment was also required as I had to commit myself, my time, my energy and even sacrifice my work to an extent to reap valuable benefits. It is easy for me to commit to things and be persistent at it but sacrificing work is what I consider as a major expense which was relatively hard. However, by performing it daily and being quick at it i have also learnt to manage work with gym times and not stress upon one or the other. 

Final Takeaways:

To conclude, gyming has helped me develop my overall fitness and provided a medium to also work upon commitment and perseverance. I have implemented various learner profiles in gyming like risk taker, principled and reflective. By going beyond my ability I was taking risks to ensure that beneficial results are achieved. I was principled to the schedules and work I had to cater to in the particular duration of the period as well as outside the gym. I was reflective as I reflected upon the improvements and discussed upon the progress with my personal trainer. The highlight of this continuous experience was the day I could do a 2.5 minute plank which was a success indicator and improved my morale. The perspective that gyming changed was that being lazy and maintaining status quo is not the only fun thing a person does, improving upon yourself is also a major prospect that could provide happiness. It has brought some sense of accomplishment but I also know there is a lot to go which is why complete success is not what I have attained till now. If i had to change the activity i would want to increase the intensity of the levels in shorter time periods which could allow for faster progression of my fitness. Fitness could be used for other physical activities and also major life components that require any kind of movement of sorts.

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