Playing Keyboard and performing final 2 pieces – CAS Reflection

I had lost a lot of my interests during the pandemic as according to me it was the relaxation phase of my life. I had a goal of developing skills in keyboard which is an instrument I am very interested in but never got a chance to further develop. With a cas experience to fulfill and a chance for learning, I contacted a class which would personally teach me or provide keyboard lessons. The goal of this activity was to learn 2 new songs and simultaneously to develop the ability to create one on its own, to jam, and to develop the theoretical as well as the practical knowledge of instruments as a whole. The class was only a tool whose duty was to support while the major inputs to the process came from my time and energy. 

LO1 – Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

During the classes, I detected some of my strengths and weaknesses: some were specifically instrument related while some were for me. These helped me know the level I am on and the skills I have in Keyboard. Speed and understanding of music was something I had an upper hand on at but when it came adjusting to different paces and the ability to complete a piece, I lacked these skills. As soon as i knew my weaknesses, I tried to center the focus of my classes and individual practice on developing this weakness by performing different pieces and fully completing it. To retain my strengths, I practiced them regularly and attentively. 

LO3 – Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

There was a lot of planning that was involved particularly in this CAS experience. Unlike other continuous processes, learning the keyboard was a time bound task for me which is why I had to cater towards different time slots. I had different skills that I had to approach every week while using different time for the practice. I developed from being regular and committing to the schedule I organized,  which was very necessary to reach the goals of the class conducted. This also helps in effective time management which is applicable to not only every subject but daily activities also.  

LO4 – Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences  

The thing that was the hardest to achieve throughout the process was to achieve the completion of the 2 pieces with quality and restricted time bounds. Perseverance and commitment was required so that the quality of my work and the deadlines did not face a trade off. I had to play keyboard everyday consistently so that I could achieve the desirable results. I also had to commit myself regardless of the time, day, situation that came up. It is not easy to be persistent when the amount of workload is very high, I had to find breaks and time in order to remain committed to the process.  

Final Takeaways:

To conclude, the development of my skills in keyboard was significant to the goal I wanted to reach. The learner profiles I displayed were reflective and principled. I reflected after every session or duration I played and discussed the progress with my teacher and I also was principled by committing to a regular schedule and playing real pieces instead of falsifying the evidence itself. This activity was a complete success as i was able to develop effective skills as well as finish 2 pieces (shown in evidence) as the goal recommended. If i were to do the activity again then i would try to stretch the time bound to a longer one while also increasing the goal simultaneously. The major learning outcome from this experience was not only the 2 pieces but also the way I learned to stay committed to the process.Though this experience has not led to significant changes in perspective, I learnt about values, such as the value of perseverance, and its impact on life, and also learnt about the way music helps enriching lives and stimulating inner peace.

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