CAS Reflection 9:- Meditation

In This cas experience i learnt and did mediation for minimum for 15 mins for at least 2 months. As a student it is very important to meditate to be at top of mental health as there is a lot of pressure of studies and assignments and deadlines which is why taking 15 mins out of the schedule is very important.

LO6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance.

The issue of global significance was good health and well being was catered in the whole cas experience as for good health 2 aspects are important physical health and mental health in which physical health is catered in other cas experiences but in this i had focused on mental health which will make me more calm and focused and it will surely help me in my studies.

LO7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

Ethics was very important part of this cas experience as meditating needs complete focus which is why doing it ethically was very important which helped me do it with my full focus without getting distracted i usually did it for 15 mins but sometimes i crossed the mark to 17-20 mins as with meditating it really calms the mind and helps cool down and reduces stress a lot and it made me realise how important meditating is for our health.


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