Culinary internship reflection

creativity and activity

LO- 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7

I picked-up an internship for culinary art at Marriott surat. the duration for the same was from 5’th november to 9’th december 2020. i was exposed to real working environment in the field i wish to build up my career in. the whole experience was very rewarding and eye-opening for me. i did face challenges of course, but at the end it helped me realise the kind of hard-work, energy, and determination i would need to put in to be efficient at work.

Learning outcome 1: cooking seem easy when we got to make it for our self or a small group of people, but when it come to a commercial level there is where it gets tough. enrolling in in this field comes with a hefty amount of work and competence, thus this internship helped me to recognize the areas of that i need to build upon, like multi-tasking, long working hours, and quick decision making.

Learning outcome 2: once i started with the internship i got to know the real essence of the culinary industry in general, everything around felt challenging because it was for the first time, the amount of work, and heavy working hours, by the end of the day i used be drained out and tired, but as in when i forced myself to wake-up each-day and get myself ready a long day i started getting adapted to the situation and started enjoying. After completion of the internship when i think back of the time i spent working turned out to be really helpful and fruitful, and i am sure i will carry it on with me through out. i obviously learnt plenty of skills from how to manage different task at once, how to develop taste, working with food you do not eat, maintaining the aticate, and alot more. these skills will help me develop more in this field

Learning outcome 4:The whole environment and staff was very attentive, supportive and friendly but the heavy duration of work made it very exhausting to hold up till the end, the best part was one, when we have to taste and try all the food that we make and second, when i leave back for home. yes, commitment was very necessary because if i give so soon then this field is not really my personal calling and perhaps everything we do we have to stand up to it each day, pushing myself and trying to keep up each day, felt very satisfying at the end. by being perseverance and commitment i learnt the real value and potential in me and how much i have to increase and grow up to for a better performance.

Learning outcome 5: working in a huge commercial kitchen requires a team of individuals, as the food is made for a lot of people and work is divide accordingly and being chef requires each and every person to respect chef around and their style of cooking. thus while working shift during a wedding or an event the kitchen is stuffed with a lot of chef and that made me understand how to work collaboratively

Learning outcome 7: working in a kitchen has a set of guidelines and rule especially in the times of covid they need to followed strictly. and marriott is a multinational brand of hotels and the task and food need to be made according to their standards and i have also been instructed to not share recipe outside the premises and could only use it personally.

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