Running (Activity)

L1 – Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth:

  • My strength was my body and my past experience of running 5kms. Because of these 2 things I was hopeful to complete 10km running and took the risk at the first place. My main weakness was my mind which had the fear of completing 10kms. I was mainly afraid of fainting in the middle of the road because I already have a minor low blood pressure problem. I was able to overcome this fear and complete 10kms because I planned everything which helped my mind to gradually adjust. The planning is explain in the description of LO3

L2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken in developing new skills:

  • The challenge undertaken was to complete 10km running which I had never done before. I had done 5km a few times but never got the opportunity to do 10km and participate in a marathon. More than stamina, a determined mind was important to complete 10 km. It took me a lot of time to finally complete 10 kms. 

L3 – Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience:

  • To plan my 10km run I first started with running 5-6km for a week to habituate myself with running. Then everyday I increased the distance by 500meter to 1km and than in the next week I was able to read 8km. Then because I had the fear of fainting, I did 10kms on treadmill in the gym. After I was successfully able to do that, I finally ran 10kms on road!

L4 – Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences: 

  • As explained above, this whole process took a lot of time (15-17days). And I did not miss running a single day because I knew that by missing one day, I will again be back to square 1. This showed perseverance and commitment. It was not very easy to commit and do running daily because I had a lot of school assignments to complete, but still I managed to run by waking up early in the morning and putting my health first. 


10kms in 1 hour 9 mins
10 kms in 1 hour 12 mins

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