In this CAS experience, I participated in a tree planting campaign presentation. In the campaign, we all went to a place behind Avadh Utopia, Duman, Surat where we dug holes in the ground as needed and planted seeds in them. This was a really fun experience, as well a heart-warming one.
Activity, Service
Strands Covered: LO5, LO6,
LO5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively
In this experience, I was not the only one, there were a lot of people who made that campaign possible. We all first dug holes and then started planting the trees in them. As this was collaborative, it made this activity more fun and a lot easier.
LO6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance
This experience involved the sustainable development goal number 13 which is climate action. Climate change is a really serious issue today, with the temperature increase in the world. This is due to deforestation and release of greenhouse gases. For this problem, a solution is to plant tree which can intake greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and convert them to O2. This is a global issue as it is part of the SDGs. By knowing and helping towards this goal, I feel blessed and really glad to do it.