CAS reflection 2# planting my own garden.

I will pick up planting drive, where in i will grow and take care of the plants, for this process i will be used the area behind my house. through this i will learned to take up responsibility. I also accomplished giving back to nature and during this process i also learned how the process really happens from scratch, where in i clean up the land (due to the rains there is unnecessary growth of grass in the whole area), water every alternative day, and clean them up every weekend. Once it grew i took them out and again extracted seeds out of them. This process was really engaging and indusing for a person who really enjoys planting but at the same time very tiring.

Learning outcome 2: remembering, to go there every alternate day, because due to daily classes and work to submit most of the after day would go into that and then it will be dark and i would able to back there. i have not anything similar to this before. I made a planner and highlighted the days i need to go back and put a reminder at the specific time. i feel great because i successfully completed the task. i thought that through this task i would be more vigilant enough in taking up responsibility. yes, i obviously learnt the way vegetable are grown (its is a very lengthy process).

Learning outcome 3: i kept myself organized by putting reminders and by highlighting the days in a calendar. sometimes i can be an organized person but mostly i know what i need to complete so i don’t really need reminder. Initiating was the most difficult part because we really have to put in action the plans. planning and initiating are both a crucial part while dividing to put in action a certain task, because planning helps in write down the thing will flow, and initiating is the part where we do the things as per the planning, thus is helps the task flow easily and we do not get confused.

Learning outcome 4: The most difficult part of the activity was the cleaning up and making sections as it was a lot of hard work, as i did not really enjoy it due a greater land area. The primary commitments were to keep the land area clean for the plants to grow, so due to heavy rain there were extra plant that grew in between the rows, which have to be chopped of frequently. I believe that being persistent and setting commitment are important for focus and never lose track, also for constant growth rate.

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