CAS Reflection – Debate and Current Affairs CLUB (DACAC)

Me and some of my fellow G12 students founded and are coleading a club where we plan, organise, and execute regular debates on topics of local and global significance, as well as discussions of current affairs. We are all co-leaders, and pairs take up the responsibility to facilitate the session. I have an interest in […]

CAS Reflection – The Corridors (School Newspaper Club)

I collaborated with the school newspaper club (The Corridors) to write a few articles every month on varied topics, such as global affairs, study tips, etcetera, since I am interested in writing on varied topics, and through this, I developed and worked on my writing skills. Learning Outcomes: LO 1: Identify their own strengths and […]


Journaling – CreativityArt Journaling is a visual diary, it’s record keeping combined with creativity, It’s a place to record your thoughts, memories, and emotions through images, art and words. … Art Journal=A personal journal (or book) filled with any combination of art, imagery and words, here my goal was to explore my collage making skills […]